NCLB stands for No Child Left Behind. It was passed in 2001 and reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It changed federal efforts to support elementary and secondary education. NCLB has five main goals. The most recognized of these goals is for all children to reach high standards; at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics by 2014.
As schools work towards achieving this goal, their progress is described in terms of AYP. AYP represents how all students, both in the aggregate and in subgroups of 40 or more students, are progressing towards demonstrating proficiency in reading/language arts and mathematics. In Massachusetts , progress is measured in 2-year cycles based on MCAS scores. It is shown by a score referred to as the CPI , or composite performance index. CPI is determined by MCAS performance. Every two years the CPI required to make AYP increases. Points are assigned based upon individual student scores on MCAS. Students receive 100 points for achieving scores that are proficient or advanced. They receive fewer point amounts for lower scores. The total number of points earned by all students in a school is divided by the total number of students assessed in a given content area. This becomes a school's CPI .
For a school (grades 1-8) to make adequate yearly progress towards achieving proficiency in all students, they must have assessed at least 95% of students, must have met the state CPI goal or their individual improvement CPI goal, and have at least a 92% attendance rate, or show at least a 1% improvement in attendance from the previous year. With this model it is possible for lower performing schools to achieve AYP while higer performing schools miss their targets.
As you begin to see and hear more about how different schools are performing, keep in mind that we all have the same ultimate goal. We want to provide ALL students with the skills and tools to achieve. MCAS is just one measure of our work, but it is an important measure. It is necessary to keep in mind that it is a child’s cumulative educational experience that will prepare him or her to develop the skills to be college or career ready. As a school we review MCAS performance, as well as data on local assessments, in order to monitor the progress of all students. What students learn throughout their years at school is very important to their future success. By working collaboratively, we will be able to support our children as they strive to attain high standards of achievement.